类型: 改进
状态: 关闭 (查看工作流)
优先级: 次要
解决结果: 解决
影响版本: v1.0.20211123_release
解决版本: v1.0.20211123_release
在“own vehicle”阶段1/2,用户需根据指引拍摄六个角度照片:前、左前、左后、后、右后、右前, 并有语音提示用户如何拍摄;
Please capture the picture in front of the vehicle.
Please capture the picture at the front left of the vehicle.
Please capture the picture at the rear left of the vehicle.
Please capture the picture at the back of the vehicle.
Please capture the picture at the rear right of the vehicle.
Please capture the picture at the rear front of the vehicle.